Beautiful silk shawl in white and dark ivory!
Thank you for the quick sending!
Grazie tante e cari auguri a lei!
Valutato 5 su 5
Heidelind –
Bellissima! Grazie tante! Beautiful silk shawl and both colors are very nice, the white and the dark ivory..
I love them both 🙂
Cari auguri e a la prossima volta 🙂
Valutato 5 su 5
Sarah –
Beautiful simple shawl to accompany my dress–Stefania is incredibly responsive, open to suggestion, and does such amazing work.
Valutato 5 su 5
Stacey Hollar –
Valutato 5 su 5
Ronald E. Compton –
Elegant and beautiful. Shipped very fast.
Valutato 5 su 5
AC R –
Valutato 5 su 5
Krisa527 –
Valutato 5 su 5
Wonderland –
Simply beautiful!
Valutato 5 su 5
Egle Bylaite –
I am very happy with the shawl and I want to thank to Stefania for the help with advice and selection. Pleasant communication and fast service.
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Jacqui Brown –
Quality shawl. Really beautiful piece.
Heidelind –
Beautiful silk shawl in white and dark ivory!
Thank you for the quick sending!
Grazie tante e cari auguri a lei!
Heidelind –
Bellissima! Grazie tante! Beautiful silk shawl and both colors are very nice, the white and the dark ivory..
I love them both 🙂
Cari auguri e a la prossima volta 🙂
Sarah –
Beautiful simple shawl to accompany my dress–Stefania is incredibly responsive, open to suggestion, and does such amazing work.
Stacey Hollar –
Ronald E. Compton –
Elegant and beautiful. Shipped very fast.
AC R –
Krisa527 –
Wonderland –
Simply beautiful!
Egle Bylaite –
I am very happy with the shawl and I want to thank to Stefania for the help with advice and selection. Pleasant communication and fast service.