2 recensioni per Gonna lunga in jersey di lino avorio
Valutato 5 su 5
Angie –
Beautiful piece. Perfect length and flattering cut. As always, Stefania's craftsmanship is top-notch.
Valutato 5 su 5
Angie –
Simply fantastic! The fabric is stunningly soft, and the design is incredibly flattering and comfortable. I have always been so pleased with my purchases from Lore Tree, and will continue to come back for the craftsmanship and creativity. Thank you again, Stefania!
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Angie –
Beautiful piece. Perfect length and flattering cut. As always, Stefania's craftsmanship is top-notch.
Angie –
Simply fantastic! The fabric is stunningly soft, and the design is incredibly flattering and comfortable. I have always been so pleased with my purchases from Lore Tree, and will continue to come back for the craftsmanship and creativity. Thank you again, Stefania!